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Shenzhen Lizhifeng Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd

Address: Floor 4, Building 2, Hengchangrong Industrial Zone, No. 128, Shajing Shangnan East Road, Bao'an District, Shenzhen

Tel.: 13925215926

Marketing hot sale: 13925286095

Email: marktong@smtlf.cn

Industry News

X-ray detector Dage XD-7500VR
Update time:2020-08-20    Views:2012

Equipped with 4MP large size color camera μ The detection speed can reach 120 cm2/sec under m resolution. The TR7700 SII online automatic optical detector uses the dynamic image detection technology to provide a more lightweight, fast and economical furnace front/rear detection solution. The TR7700 SII is equipped with * * * and highly flexible RGB W color light source system. The unique ultra-low angle light source design can provide a better detection scheme for polarity and black components, and can provide a more accurate and stable detection capability for lead-free and micro components 01005 of traditional assembly circuit boards.


• Fast online color automatic optical detection in the market

Large size color camera can measure tiny components 01005

• Smaller floor area to improve the use efficiency of plant space


• Camera type 4 MP color camera

• Optical resolution 10 μ M or 15 μ m

• Imaging mode High speed dynamic imaging

• Detection speed 60 cm2/sec @ 10 μ m  120 cm2/sec @ 15  μ m

• Test items

。 Body defects, missing parts, erection, side erection, polarity reversal, offset, wrong parts, reversed parts, damaged parts, etc

。 Solder joint defects: more tin, less tin, bridging, DIP component tin eating, IC foot warping, gold finger surface scratch and tin sticking defects

• Pre furnace/post furnace integrated yield management system

• Circuit board size

。 Circuit board measurable size 50 x 50 – 510 x 460 mm

。 Measurable thickness of circuit board 0.6 – 5 mm

。 Circuit board * * * heavy weight 5kg

Contact us

Shenzhen Lizhifeng Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd

Address: Floor 4, Building 2, Hengchangrong Industrial Zone, No. 128, Shajing Shangnan East Road, Bao'an District, Shenzhen

Tel.: 13925215926

Marketing hot sale: 13925286095

Email: marktong@smtlf.cn

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